1:1 Consultations
At Whyuplift, we strive to fully understand the needs and concerns of our clients and we will work closely with you to ensure your good health is restored. To help ensure your health is improved, we offer extensive testing and customized treatment programs as well as an overriding dedication to helping you get better. Your health is our passion and our number one priority.
Your initial session with Yasmin will consist of a comprehensive intake, which will be 60 minutes. In this session, we will get to the root of what is happening with your health. We will do a deep dive into your history, discuss your symptoms, lifestyle, daily routine, concerns and goals, and at the end of our session, you will receive nutrition, lifestyle & supplement suggestions. We will also discuss herbal remedies that will be beneficial for you and focus on Uplifting your health one step at a time. If you would like to have hormonal, Gi microbiome and/or food sensitivity testing done, they can be mailed out to you.This session also includes a customized 4 day meal plan.
Conditions we focus on at Why.Uplift:
-Gut health & Digestion
-Weight loss programs
-Burnout & fatigue
-Metabolic Health
-Mold & heavy metal toxicity
At Why.Uplift, we offer a variety of testing options to clients. Once you book your introductory session, we will provide you with suggestions based on your sypmtoms & health goals.
Some of the tests we offer are: Hormonal testing (Dutch test), GI microbiome testing to assess gut health, Food sensitivity testing, food allergy testing, Hair mineral assessment to assess heavy metal toxicity & mineral deficiencies, Myotoxin testing & Organic acid test.
This session includes a 20 minute session with Yasmin, where you will discus your nutritional goals and she will create a personalized meal plan for you that will be based on your nutritional needs & goals.
If you’re ready to Uplift your health, book a 1:1 telehealth nutrition consultation with me